Conversations on online learning
Conversations on online learning
Episode 2. Caroline Kühn
Caroline Kühn is a senior lecturer in the School of Education (Bath Spa University) and principal investigator of EPSRC funded project Understanding data: praxis and politics,
Follow Caroline
On Twitter: @carolak
Caroline’s blog: https://carolinekuhn.net/
The critical data literacies project: Datapraxis.net
Caroline’s doctoral research
key concept: Jenkins (2006) participatory culture
theoretical framework(s): critical realism and realist social theory
focus: engagement with digital technology, specifically open and participatory tools.
Kühn Hildebrandt, C. (2019). Whose interest is educational technology serving? Who is included and who is excluded?. RIED: Revista Iberoamericana de Educación a Distancia, 22(1). http://revistas.uned.es/index.php/ried/article/view/22293
Caroline’s recommendations:
The GO_GN network: and on twitter – #GO_GN
DeRosa and Jianghini → Open Pedagogy Notebook: an interesting and excellent resource for Open Educational Practice
ALT: Association for learning and technology. An excellent source for advice, interest groups, conferences, articles, etc.
Caroline is also interested in feminism from a Marxist perspective:
Silvia Federici: feminist activist, writer, and teacher.
YouTube talk: Witches, the Commons, reclaiming the body and discovering our power
Blog post by Jodi Dean: Silvia Federici, The exploitation of women and the development of capitalism
Interview with Nancy Fraser: Feminism in neoliberal times
Audre Lorde, Paris Review presents an interesting account of Lorde’s legacy.
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