Conversations on online learning
Listen in on informal chats with experts and practitioners from the world of online learning and teaching. Your hosts are from the Department of Learning and Teaching Enhancement at Edinburgh Napier University in Scotland: Dr Louise Drumm, Dr Stuart Taylor, Dr Imi Dencer-Brown and Dr Ingeborg van Knippenberg. We suggest you get away for the screens, download onto your favourite app and take a walk while listening in. Please get in touch with us if you'd like to participate in this podcast: dlte@napier.ac.uk This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Conversations on online learning
Episode 8. Deb Baff
Digital Support Partnership
Episode 8
In this episode, we speak with Deb Baff - Membership and Professional Development Manager for ALT Association for Learning Technology - about social and emotional support networks in online learning and beyond.
Follow Deb Baff on Twitter: @DebBaff
National Teaching Repository (Dawne Irving-Bell)
Association for Learning Technology (ALT)
FutureLearn: Blended Learning Essentials
Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) Walk
LTHE Tweetchat on Twitter and collected here.